
Worker participation is essential to keep workplaces healthy and safe. The best health and safety outcomes are achieved when a PCBU and its workers work together. Worker representatives are one way for workers to participate in improving work health and safety.

Well-established ways for worker engagement and participation include Health and Safety Representatives (HSRs) and Health and Safety Committees (HSCs).

  • An HSR is a worker who has been elected by the members of their work group to represent them in health and safety matters.
  • An HSC enables the PCBU and workers to meet regularly and work cooperatively to ensure workers’ health and safety.

We have produced a range of guidance about HSRs and HSCs.

Worker representation through Health and Safety Representatives and Health and Safety Committees

These interpretive guidelines explain:

  • what a PCBU must do if they receive requests for an HSR or HSC
  • what the powers and functions of HSRs are
  • what the functions of HSCs are
  • what the obligations of a PCBU are toward their HSRs and HSCs.
Worker representation through Health and Safety Representatives and Health and Safety Committees (PDF 723 KB)

We have also produced pamphlets that summarise key points about representation, HSRs and HSCs.

Please note: These pamphlets do not reflect the recent (June 2023) law changes - we are working to update them.

Worker representation under HSWA 2015 (PDF 892 KB)
Health and safety representatives under HSWA 2015 (PDF 1.2 MB)
Health and safety committees (under HSWA 2015) (PDF 778 KB)

We have also produced guidance to show what good worker engagement, participation and representation looks like.

Good practice for worker engagement, participation and representation