
We're consulting on proposed changes to the Workplace Exposure Standards (WES).

About the consultation 

We are reviewing 48 substances as part of the Workplace Exposure Standard (WES) review 2022. We have made recommendations for each substance, and are now consulting on these recommendations. We invite feedback from anyone who has expertise in these substances. 


We will manage any personal information you supply in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020.  

If your response is made publicly available, your name and contact details will be removed only if you have selected this option on the survey form. We may post your response on this website, and we may make your response available if answering a request under the Official Information Act 1982. 

Deadline for feedback 

The deadline for accepting submissions is 5pm on Friday 2 September 2022. Submissions can only be accepted through the online form.

WES review 2022 consultation form(external link)


  1. Click on the consultation form button – you will be directed to enter your details and then to a page with a checklist of the WES for consultation.
  2. Check the boxes of the substances you want to comment on. You can provide comments for more than one substance at the same time.
  3. Enter your comments. It’s a good idea to have what you want to say already written in an electronic document, so you can copy and paste your comments into our online form, and complete your consultation for multiple substances in one go.
  4. When you have completed your comments for a substance, at the bottom of the page, click ‘Next’ to move on to the next substance (if you’ve chosen more than one).
  5. When you have completed your consultation, upon clicking ‘Next’ at the bottom of the page, you will be brought to a page with final notes. You can close that window as we will have received your submission – there will not be an email sent out to acknowledge completion.

What are WES and BEI? 

Workplace exposure standards (WES) are values that state the concentration of substances in the air that most workers can be repeatedly exposed to without coming to harm.

Biological exposure indices (BEI) are guidance values for assessing biological monitoring results. Biological monitoring measures the concentration of a substance in blood, urine, or exhaled air. The monitoring result is compared with the BEI for the specific substance.

A prescribed exposure standard (PES) is a WES or a BEI that protects people in a workplace from harm to their health. It must be prescribed in: 

  • regulations, or 
  • a safe work instrument. 

There are no WES prescribed in regulation and no safe work instrument for WES and BEI. This means the WES and BEI values in this consultation and in the WorkSafe WES and BEI book are not PES. They are guideline values. You should use them if you have the appropriate knowledge, skills, and experience to apply them for health risk assessment.

The importance of sampling strategies for WES 

It is important you have a robust sampling strategy when applying WES to ensure you have a good understanding of exposure variations.

Exposure levels of airborne substances can often vary, even in work that is regular and consistent. How much a worker is exposed to a substance depends on variation in work activities, control methods, and environmental conditions. This means exposure measured on a single day may not reflect exposure on other days.

Taking many samples means you will better understand the variation in exposure and will mean more detailed information for the risk assessment. But even samples from different days still may not reflect the true variation in exposure that may occur over the long term. The Person Conducting a Business or Undertaking (PCBU) should get advice from a competent person on how to monitor exposure in the workplace, including the sampling strategy. The sampling strategy must be able to provide enough measurements to show the risk to the worker from the variation in exposure.

Biological monitoring for substances that can be absorbed or inhaled 

Some substances can be absorbed through skin or inhaled. You may prefer to use biological monitoring for these substances, as measuring air levels alone may not fully represent exposure. However, there are not many options for biological monitoring, as there are few BEI compared with WES.

Health monitoring

Biological and airborne exposure monitoring is not the same as health monitoring.

Exposure monitoring means measuring and evaluating a person’s exposure to a health hazard. It includes monitoring the conditions at the workplace, and biological monitoring of the people.

Health monitoring means monitoring a person for changes in their health because they have been exposed to certain health hazards.

Health risk management must consider many aspects, including identification, assessment, and control. Exposure monitoring is just one part that you need to consider.

Why use WES and BEI

PCBUs must minimise exposure and monitor the conditions of the workplace if it cannot eliminate exposure. WES and BEI are important tools for monitoring worker exposures.

Who should use WES and BEI

WES and BEI are guidance for qualified occupational health practitioners. We do not recommend that untrained people use WES and BEI to assess exposure risk.

More information

Further information on WES, including the meaning of WES-TWA and WES-STEL, and BEI is in the Glossary document on this page.