Submissions closed

Proposed changes to Workplace Exposure Standards

WorkSafe consulted on proposed changes to the Workplace Exposure Standards (WES) for the following substances, and the Biological Exposure Index (BEI) for lead:

Response form 1,2,3-trichloropropane (DOCX 67 KB)
Response form trichloroethylene (DOCX 67 KB)
Response form vinyl bromide (DOCX 67 KB)
Response form vinyl chloride (DOCX 67 KB)
Response form lead and inorganic compounds (DOCX 68 KB)

The reviews summarise the proposed changes. If you wish to provide feedback please download and complete the response form corresponding to each review, and return to us by email or post.

We encourage you to advise interested parties about this process, to help ensure that the consultation process is available to as many individuals and stakeholders as possible. We encourage industry associations to share the information with their member organisations, and feedback is welcomed from individuals, businesses and industry associations.

Submissions closed 5pm on Friday 2 June 2017.

Where to send your response:

Email: Jim Napier Subject line: Consultation on WES and BEI


Consultation on WES and BEI
Worksafe New Zealand
PO Box 66
Tauranga 3140
Attention: Jim Napier

Deadline for feedback:

Submissions closed 5pm on Friday 2 June 2017.

Official Information Act:

WorkSafe NZ is subject to the Official Information Act 1982, which means that your submission may be made available to those seeking information under that Act.