WorkSafe is consulting on a draft safe work instrument prescribing training requirements for asbestos removal work:
Consultation on safe work instrument prescribing training requirements for asbestos removal work
WorkSafe is consulting on a draft safe work instrument prescribing training requirements for asbestos removal work:
Please download and complete the associated response form which can be attached to an email or posted directly to us.
Submissions closed 24 March 2017.
Where to send submissions
Email: Regulatory Frameworks - Please put Submission on SWI prescribing relevant courses for asbestos removal work in the subject line.
Submissions on SWI prescribing relevant courses for asbestos removal work
WorkSafe New Zealand
PO Box 165
Attention: Regulatory Frameworks Team
Official Information Act:
WorkSafe is subject to the Official Information Act 1982, which means that your submission may be made available to those seeking information under that Act.
Last updated