WorkSafe has exempted Donald James Beattie from compliance with regulation 38(a) of the Health and Safety at Work (Mining Operations and Quarrying Operations) Regulations 2016.

The reason for this exemption is that Donald James Beattie was unable, due to personal circumstances outside his control, to complete the qualification and experience requirements for a certificate of competence as an A-grade quarry manager prior to 1 January 2017.

The exemption is made subject to the following conditions:

  • that, in order to be granted a certificate of competence as an A-grade quarry manager, Donald James Beattie must meet the qualification and experience requirements in the Notice of Requirements for Granting of Certificates of Competence under the Health and Safety in Employment (Mining Operations and Quarrying Operations) Regulations 2013 (New Zealand Gazette, 18 December 2014, Issue No. 153, Notice No. 2014-au7793) that would apply to a person who holds a certificate of competence as an A-grade quarry manager under the former regulations;
  • that, for the exemption to apply, Donald James Beattie must make an application for an A-grade quarry manager’s certificate of competence within six months from the time he is medically assessed as being fully fit for full time employment;
  • that Donald James Beattie must inform the New Zealand Mining Board of Examiners as soon as he is medically assessed as being fully fit for full time employment by providing a medical certificate.

The exemption takes effect on 11 August 2017 and expires on 11 August 2022 unless it is sooner replaced or revoked. 

Exemption for Donald James Beattie (PDF 130 KB)