You may need to obtain a compliance certificate from a compliance certifier if you handle or store hazardous substances.

The compliance certificate can be required for people, sites or equipment.  Compliance certificates are issued by WorkSafe authorised compliance certifiers. A compliance certifier will tell you what information they need before they can issue a compliance certificate.

Compliance certifiers charge for their work. The cost of issuing compliance certificates varies between compliance certifiers. You should contact several certifiers to discuss the services they offer and their fees.

Search for a compliance certifier(external link)

Location compliance certificates

A location compliance certificate may be required where explosive, flammable, oxidising, toxic or corrosive substances are stored or used and the quantity exceeds the thresholds specified in the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017. 

Location compliance certificates

Outdoor pyrotechnic display compliance certificates

If you are holding an outdoor pyrotechnic display, you need to have an outdoor pyrotechnic display compliance certificate for the event.

Outdoor pyrotechnic display compliance certificates