Dust, fumes, and bacteria can all pose a risk in the extractives industry. Air quality is an important part of a health and safety management plan for all types of mining and tunnelling.

The industry has moved beyond canaries in the coalmine. Mining, tunnelling, and quarrying operations all carry the risk of causing sickness or injury to workers from unsafe air conditions. We have produced guidance on managing risks relating to air quality in extractives operations.

This approved code of practice sets out our expectations for how risks relating to air quality in the extractives industry (mining and tunnelling operations, and alluvial mining and quarrying operations) should be addressed. It provides information on:

  • assessing air quality in extractive operations
  • selecting and implementing controls for air quality in extractive operations
  • developing a principal hazard management plan (PHMP) for air quality.
ACOP: Air quality in the extractives industry (PDF 1.9 MB)