We previously had an online system that allowed certificate of competence (CoC) holders to record their continuing professional development (CPD) activities electronically.

The online CPD system is being phased out and is now only available to those CoC holders that were previously granted access to the online system before 2020 and already have login details.

Those CoC holders were granted access to the online CPD system to log their CPD hours under the old requirements. The records in the online system can still be accessed and viewed, but no new CPD activities can be recorded in it as the online CPD system does not reflect the current CPD requirements.

All CPD activities completed since 1 February 2020 should be recorded in the Extractives continuing professional development (CPD) logbook, which is available in either a PDF or Excel version on the Continuing professional development page

Accessing the online CPD system

To login, go to http://extractivescoc.worksafe.govt.nz(external link)

Select “CPD Logbook” on the welcome page once you have logged in to navigate to your logbook.

Help using the system

If you have any issues with the online CPD system or would like to know more about the current CPD requirements, the Board of Examiners Secretariat will be able to help.

Contact us via email BoE_Secretariat@worksafe.govt.nz.