Provisional Improvement Notice (PIN) is a written notice issued by a Health and Safety Representative (HSR) to a person or a PCBU asking them to address a health and safety concern in the workplace.

Who can issue a PIN?

A PIN can only be issued by an HSR who has completed initial or additional HSR health and safety training specified in the Regulations for Worker Engagement, Participation and Representation(external link)

HSRs can issue a PIN to a person or PCBU if they reasonably believe they are breaking the law, or are likely to break the law, a provision of HSWA, or the Regulations. 

The PIN identifies the health and safety issue and can include recommendations to resolve it (for example, by fixing or preventing a problem) by a certain date. The HSR must consult with a person or PCBU first before issuing a PIN.

There is no requirement to use a particular PIN form. HSRs can design their own form, provided it states:

  • that the HSR believes the person is contravening, or is likely to contravene, a provision of HSWA or the Regulations (as the case may be)
  • the provision the HSR believes is being, or is likely to be, contravened
  • briefly, how the provision is being, or is likely to be, contravened, and
  • the day, at least eight days after the notice is issued, by which the person is required to fix or prevent the matter.

A sample Provisional Improvement Notice (PIN) form is available to adapt or use as is.

Provisional Improvement Notice (PIN) (PDF 59 KB)

The PIN process

The PIN process is described in steps A through D on this information sheet.

Addressing a health and safety issue with support from an Health and Safety Representative (HSR) (PDF 303 KB)

Requesting a WorkSafe PIN review

The person or PCBU who receives the PIN can, within seven days, ask WorkSafe to review the PIN by completing a Request to review a PIN form.

Request to review a Provisional Improvement Notice (PIN) (PDF 369 KB)