Forms to notify WorkSafe about high risk activities, mining and tunnelling operations, and quarry and alluvial mine operations
Mining and tunnelling operations notification and reporting
Quarry and alluvial mine operations notification and reporting
Mining, tunnelling, quarrying and alluvial mining operations quarterly report form
All mining, tunnelling, quarrying and alluvial mining operations are required to submit their quarterly reports using the form below.  Operators are encouraged to submit their quarterly report within two weeks of the end of each quarter. The first reporting period for quarry and alluvial mine operators is October - December 2022, with the report due to WorkSafe in January 2023.
Quarry and alluvial mine operators should familiarise themselves with the requirements of this report prior to October 2022 in order to ensure that they are collecting the required information.
Mining, tunnelling, quarrying and alluvial operations quarterly report form
Mine and tunnel plans
If you are a mining or tunnelling operation, the Health and Safety at Work (Mining Operations and Quarrying Operations) Regulations 2016 require that you send WorkSafe a copy of a mine plan at least every year. If you have ceased mining or finished constructing the tunnel, then you need to send WorkSafe a plan of the completed work. Plans must contain certain information, be prepared using the New Zealand Geodetic Datum 2000 and the New Zealand Vertical Datum 2016, and be prepared to a suitable scale.
The information in this guide about the Health and Safety at Work (Mining Operations and Quarrying Operations) Regulations 2016 is no longer up to date. This guide will be updated at a later date to reflect the changes to these Regulations. In the meantime please refer to the latest version of the Regulations.
Blasting of class 1 substances
Use this form to notify us of intended blasting of class 1 substances. You can use this form to notify for up to a 12 month period or for each blasting activity.
Blasting of class 1 substances
High risk activity notification
High risk activities required to be notified under Regulation 229 are specified in Schedule 7 of the Regulations. The high risk activities notification requirement allows us to assess whether the operator will be able to effectively manage the activity prior to the activity commencing.
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If you require any further information from the Extractives team, please contact us:Â
Last updated