Dispensers and vapourisers for use with hazardous substances must be on the statutory records available on our website.

What is a dispenser?

Dispensers are used for distributing flammable liquids.

Dispensers may include pumps, and are often used at service stations for dispensing petrol and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).

Dispensers for distributing class 2.1.1 and class 3.1A, 3.1B and 3.1C substances for retail sale require an approval from WorkSafe.

Note for expiry dates. The registers list expiry dates for the approvals issued by WorkSafe. Dispensers that have a current approval at the time of installation are considered to be approved under Regulation 17.47 of the HS Regulations for the time that the product continues in service as originally installed, including maintenance needs.

This in service product does not need to be removed or replaced if the approval in force at the time of installation has now expired. WorkSafe considers that the approval must be current at the time of installation to be compliant with Regulation 17.47.

Record of approved dispensers for use with hazardous substances(external link)

What is a vapouriser?

Vapourisers are devices that convert liquids to gases. They act like boilers, but instead of boiling water they boil hazardous substances.

Vapourisers are directly or indirectly fired. When directly fired, an open flame is directly applied to the heat exchange surface, which then vaporises the substances. Indirectly fired means the heat is provided by an outside source such as steam electricity or hot water.

Note for expiry dates. The registers list expiry dates for the approvals issued by WorkSafe. Vapourisers that have a current approval at the time of installation are considered to be approved under Regulation 17.52 of the HS Regulations for the time that the product continues in service as originally installed, including maintenance needs. This in service product does not need to be removed or replaced if the approval in force at the time of installation has now expired. WorkSafe considers that the approval must be current at the time of installation to be compliant with Regulation 17.52.

Record of approved vapourisers(external link)