
WorkSafe has published priority plans, which will bring to life its new strategy over the next two years.

WorkSafe will deliver enforcement, engagement, and permitting activities across these priority areas to maximise our influence and achieve better, more equitable outcomes.

The plans cover the sectors with highest work-related harm in Aotearoa – construction, manufacturing, forestry, and agriculture. There’s also a permitting plan covering specific high-risk work such as mining, adventure activities, and some work involving hazardous substances. 

The plans guide WorkSafe’s targeted engagement and enforcement activities and are part of WorkSafe’s strategic reset. The new strategy simplifies how WorkSafe will deliver its main role, which is to influence businesses and workers to meet their health and safety responsibilities and to hold them to account if they don’t. 

The strategy acknowledges WorkSafe cannot be everywhere and emphasises the importance of collaboration. WorkSafe will continue to work with partners, including industry bodies, government agencies, iwi, and unions, to understand risk and harm, measure the impact, and refine plans over time.

Read the strategy

Read the sector plans