We're pleased to announce that Tony Hetherington has been appointed to the position of General Manager for High Hazards and Energy Safety in our Operations Group.

Phil Parkes, Chief Operating Officer, says Mr Hetherington comes with vast experience as a high hazards regulator in the United Kingdom and will be a tremendous asset to WorkSafe.

“He has almost 30 years working with the UK’s Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and has worked with most major sectors of the UK’s high hazards industries developing intervention strategies, leading accident and incident investigations and taking enforcement action. This includes investigating construction deaths, offshore gas releases and major failures in infection control in hospitals.”

Mr Parkes added that the newly appointed General Manager also has a track record of working with other regulators, including coordinating offshore safety and environmental processes and supporting the UK financial regulator for the gas industry to both reduce the costs of gas main replacement and maintain safety standards for the public.

“Given his experience, Tony has the ideal background to take us forward. He will be a tremendous asset to our organisation and will help us to build on the foundations laid over the past few years since WorkSafe was established.”

Mr Hetherington is expected to join WorkSafe in early August.

Craig Marriott, who has been Acting General Manager since February this year, will be with WorkSafe until the end of June when his contract comes to an end.

“I want to thank Craig for his support as Acting General Manager. It has been invaluable and I know I join others in wishing him every success,” Phil says.

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