WorkSafe has received a number of enquiries about the acceptable standards of design, manufacture, testing and stability testing of new, and used machines imported into New Zealand after 22 October 2015.

To clarify the requirements stated in section 4.1 of the Best Practice Guidelines, it is WorkSafe’s expectation that all imported:

  • new machines will comply to AS/NZS 1418.10 (current)
  • used machines will comply to AS 1418.10 (applicable to year of manufacture).

Both standards above do not preclude the use of materials, designs, methods of assembly or procedures, and the like, that do not comply with the specific requirements of that standard, if they achieve equivalent or superior safety outcomes to those specified and as such these may also be utilised.

For example crush protection, not currently specified in the standard but specified in other international standards, could be fitted as an upgrade.

Simon Humphries
Manager, Technical Programmes and Support

Clarification notice - Best Practice Guidelines – Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (August 2014) (PDF 29 KB)

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