
Court Summary - at a glance

Date of offence:
26 September 2018
Final decision date:
Fine imposed:

Safety lessons learned:
  1. Complete appropriate polarity testing after installing the meter but before connecting the system to the mains power as required by regulation 73A(1)(b);
  2. Sight a completed certificate of compliance as required by regulation 73A(1)(c);
  3. Attach a completed certificate of compliance to the record of inspection as required by regulation 73A(1)(a);
  4. Ensure the polarity of the supply was correct as required by regulation 73A(1)(e)(i);
  5. Complete a trailing earth test (also known as an independent earth test) during the inspection phase, so as to be satisfied that the installation is, and will be when enlivened, electrically safe as required by regulations 70(3) and 73(a);
  6. Prepare a written record of inspection in accordance with regulation 72 (as required by regulation 73(c)) including:
  • Sighting a completed certificate of compliance and attaching a completed certificate of compliance to the written record of inspection; and
  • Identify the regulations relied on when completing the record of inspection.

Defendant name:
Kennith William Johnson
Date of offence:
26 September 2018
Facts in brief:
The Defendant pleaded guilty to two charges, one of negligently carrying out his duties as an electrical inspector and the other as negligently carrying out his duties as an electrician.
Offence section:
Charge 1: Electricity Act 1992, s 163D(1)(a) and Electricity (Safety) Regulations, regulation 73A(1)(e)(i).

Charge 2: Electricity Act 1992, s 163D(1)(a) and Electricity (Safety) Regulations 70, 72 and 73
Date(s) charged:
7 November 2019

Auckland - District Court
Final decision date:
Fine imposed:
Maximum fine available: