We are seeking your feedback on a proposal to remove the hazardous substances tracking requirements for petrol-methanol blends containing up to 15% methanol by volume.

To learn more, read the public consulation document and a draft version of the proposed Safe Work Instrument below:

How to have your say

Please use the following submission form to record your comments:

You can send your submission form via email or post. 


Subject line: Consultation on Hazardous Substances Safe Work Instruments 

Post: Regulatory Frameworks, Consultation on Hazardous Substances Safe Work Instruments, WorkSafe New Zealand, PO Box 165, Wellington 6140.

Deadline for submissions

The deadline for accepting submissions is 5:00 pm on 12 July 2019.

Your submission may be made public

Once you make your submission, anyone can ask for it under the Official Information Act 1982. If you have any queries about how the information in your submission is dealt with, please contact our Regulatory Frameworks team

Further informaiotn is available at legislation.govt.nz(external link)