WorkSafe is seeking your feedback on updated restricted entry intervals for 98 substances.

Restricted entry intervals for the substances in this consultation were previously set as part of the Environmental Protection Authority substance approval process under HSNO. WorkSafe are going through this process to transfer the restricted entry intervals to being requirements under HSWA.

Many of the restricted entry intervals proposed in this document differ from the restricted entry intervals previously set under the HSNO approval.

If you are a manufacturer, supplier or user of pesticides that have a current restricted entry interval you may want to submit on the proposed changes.

The proposed restricted entry intervals can be found in the following consultation document.

Public consultation - Hazardous substances restricted entry intervals for specified pesticides (PDF 423 KB)

To determine appropriate restricted entry intervals WorkSafe commissioned Toxicology Consulting Ltd to use the EPA’s current methodology and propose restricted entry intervals. The Toxicology Consulting Limited report outlines the parameters and methodology used to determine the restricted entry intervals.

Toxicology Consulting Limited report (PDF 3 MB)

To make a submission please fill in the following submission form. Please fill in a separate submission form for each substance you wish to submit on.

Restricted entry intervals for specified pesticides submission form (PDF 196 KB)


We will manage any personal information you supply in accordance with the Privacy Act 2020. 

If your response is made publicly available, your name and contact details will be removed only if you have selected this option on the submission form.  We may post your response on this website and we may make your response available if answering a request under the Official Information Act 1982.

Deadline for feedback

The deadline for accepting submissions is 5:00pm on Friday 6th May 2022.