We are consulting on a proposed safe work instrument (SWI) to support the Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017. The proposed SWI is to specify requirements for work using ethanedinitrile (EDN).
Purpose of the proposed safe work instrument
The proposed SWI is required to specify requirements for work using a potential new fumigant, EDN, for the phytosanitary treatment of wood products.
Your submissions will help us determine whether the proposed requirements are appropriate for work using this substance.
To learn more, see the public consultation document:
We commissioned air dispersion modelling to help us propose requirements for work using EDN. You can read the results:
How to have your say
When submitting your feedback, please use our response form:
The form is divided into parts to allow you to give general feedback and feedback on the four groups of proposed requirements.
Please include the number(s) of each proposed requirement that your feedback addresses.
You can send your submission form via email or post.
Email: Regulatory.Frameworks@worksafe.govt.nz
Subject line: Consultation on Hazardous Substances Safe Work Instruments
Post: Regulatory Frameworks, Consultation on Hazardous Substances Safe Work Instruments, WorkSafe New Zealand, PO Box 165, Wellington 6140.
Deadline for submissions
Submissions close at 5pm Friday 10 April.
Your submission may be made public.
Once you make your submission, anyone can ask for it under the Official Information Act 1982. If you have any questions about how the information in your submission is dealt with, please contact our Regulatory Frameworks team.
Further information is available at legislation.govt.nz(external link)
Last updated