The Health and Safety Association of New Zealand (HASANZ) has appointed Philip Aldridge as its first Executive Director, with responsibility for managing its day to day operations and implementing its business strategy.

HASANZ is the umbrella organisation for workplace health and safety professions and was established in September 2014 to raise professional standards to provide healthier and safer workplaces. It is preparing to launch New Zealand’s first online register of workplace health and safety professionals, which is open for listings now. The HASANZ Register(external link) will provide businesses with better access to quality health and safety advice.

Philip is Wellington based and has a broad background in both the public and private sectors with extensive leadership experience across a range of membership, government and commercial organisations. He was formerly Chief Executive of InfraTrain New Zealand and General Manager, National Operations and Marketing of the Agriculture ITO. Previously, he held senior positions at the Foundation for Research, Science and Technology, Telecom New Zealand and Treasury.

“The creation of the new position of Executive Director reflects HASANZ’s increasingly important role in the health and safety sector, with our focus on growing professional  capability,” says HASANZ Chair Craig Smith.

“Philip is well equipped to step into this position. He has the vision and skills to take HASANZ to the next level and ensure its future sustainability.

“He brings a blend of strategic and commercial acumen, which fits perfectly with HASANZ bridging the demand and supply sides of the market,” says Craig.

“Communicating well with business is central to our effectiveness in lifting workplace health and safety standards.”

While head of InfraTrain New Zealand, Philip led the Built Environment Training Alliance (BETA) which was closely involved in building capability and a skilled workforce for the Christchurch rebuild, after the 2011 earthquake.

“My work in the Christchurch rebuild in the high-risk infrastructure construction industry brought home to me the importance of health and safety,” says Philip.

“I’m passionate about helping businesses put health and safety front and centre for their workers and growing the capability of workplace health and safety professionals to help make that happen.

“Being HASANZ’s first Executive Director at this key stage of its development is a fantastic opportunity.” 

Philip holds an MBA with Distinction from Massey University, a Bachelor of Science with Honours from Victoria University and has undertaken executive training at the MIT, Boston, USA. He takes up the position of HASANZ Executive Director on 12 February.

Media contacts:

Craig Smith, phone 027 687 9571, email

Philip Aldridge, phone 027 229 9462, email

The Health and Safety Association of New Zealand (HASANZ) website(external link)