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A regulatory function policy explains what WorkSafe is trying to achieve by carrying out our regulatory functions and the high level approach that we take to how we will effect our role as a regulator
This policy sets out how we use our exemption powers.
This policy sets out our approach to investigating work health and safety and energy safety issues.
This policy sets out our approach to enforcing work health and safety and energy safety legislation.
This policy sets out the way we administer authorisation regimes; and how we regulate authorisation regimes, authorisation holders, and those who should have an authorisation.
This policy sets out a high level approach to inspections and how they support WorkSafe to achieve its targets.
This policy sets out the principles that guide how we intervene. It also provides additional principles to guide our interventions in a major incident response.
This policy sets out how we build, formalise, and maintain collaborative relationships between WorkSafe and other organisations (our partners) that are recorded in an agreement.