This advice has been prepared for consumers using gas appliances. The advice follows investigations and enquiries into fatal and “near miss” events believed to have resulted from "light back" with LPG cabinet heaters and cookers.

"Light back" is one of several conditions that can give rise to dangerous emissions of carbon monoxide from gas appliances. If not recognised or attended to such emissions can cause serious illness. In extreme circumstances death can result.

Typical problems that can occur with "light back" are unusual smells about the appliance, abnormal flame patterns, disappearance of the flame from the burner or radiant surface (burner plaque) or roaring noises about the burner.

Whenever any of these or other problems occur with a gas appliance consumers should stop using the appliance immediately and take it to an authorised service agent, or have an agent visit. Consumers can play their part in reducing accidents involving "Light back" or other dangerous conditions by:

  • Having appliances serviced at least every other year. Cabinet heaters and flame effect fires should be serviced annually.
  • Having appliances serviced by an authorised service agent whenever problems with appliances are encountered.
  • Storing seasonally used portable LPG appliances, such as cabinet heaters and barbecues, under cover so as to minimise the chance of debris, insects or spiders entering areas around the burner.
  • Ensuring portable LPG appliances are used in well ventilated areas.
  • Ensuring that appliances are turned off completely (as "light back" can occur when the control knob is not fully turned off) after use.